Is Cycling Good for Weight Loss? Biking and Weight Loss

Is cycling good for weight loss? This article will discuss this query in detail. Let’s start.

Cycling is now employed in a wide range of workouts. Cycling is widely regarded as a fantastic way to lose weight in general. But the key question is whether cycling can help you lose weight in your stomach.

Yes, to keep you from becoming disappointed. Cycling is a fantastic way to burn calories and lose weight in the stomach. If you want to understand more about how cycling can help you lose belly weight, keep reading this article.

Continue reading to learn Is cycling good for weight loss. 

Is Cycling Good for Weight Loss?

Is cycling good for weight loss? Let’s dig into this question.

Is it true that I like cycling in the middle of nature’s beauty, inhaling the fresh air while losing weight and maintaining my fitness? What person wouldn’t want such a thing? I’ve been cycling as part of my daily routine for a year now, and I’ve seen some big bodily changes.

Since the beginning, my endurance has greatly improved. It’s also helped me improve my posture, though that could just be a side effect. Cycling and a well-balanced diet, on the other hand, have significantly aided in the loss of stubborn belly fat.

So, if you’re wondering if cycling can help you burn belly fat, I can assure you that it can. However, in order for it to succeed, you must do the correct things!

Simple Way to Burn Belly Fat While Biking

Here are some of the most efficient stomach-weight-loss cycling strategies:

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a terrific approach to staying in shape.

Your stomach muscles do not expand as much when cycling as they do during glutes or quads. Cycling, on the other hand, is an aerobic workout, which means it helps you burn belly fat. Bicycling is the simplest way to start burning stomach fat, but make sure you start at a fairly strenuous pace.

Most cycling gurus recommend following the 80/20 rule when it comes to intensity. This means you should exercise at a lower intensity for 80% of your workouts and medium to high intensity for the remaining 20%. Cycling like this is an excellent way to maintain your energy when it’s time to bike at higher levels.

To make it simpler to pace yourself, try leaving early and cycling to work or around your neighborhood for a few days. When you combine the 80/20 HIIT approach with cycling, you’ll see how efficient it is in burning fat and calories over time. Over time, your fitness and endurance will increase, and you will burn calories and lose belly fat.

Fasted Cycling

Another effective strategy to lose belly fat when cycling is to do so on an empty stomach. This method is known as fasted cycling, and it has had remarkable results for many people. While this technique has numerous benefits, it also has some disadvantages, such as being difficult to follow and exhausting. As a result, try to avoid doing it on a daily basis.

So, what is fasted cycling, exactly? Cycling on an empty stomach is difficult. When it comes to fasted cycling, I always recommend leaving an 8-hour gap between when you last ate and when you want to start. Before you begin, sip a cup of water or coffee if necessary.

Bring some high-energy foods to eat along the way if you expect to bike for a longer period of time.

It’s critical to remember that the goal is to start on an empty stomach, not to go hungry. After cycling for around two hours on an empty stomach, you can eat.

Also, don’t rush things. Maintain a continuous level of low intensity. Because your glycogen levels are low when you cycle on an empty stomach, your body will burn more fat as fuel. So, no matter how difficult it may seem at first, stay focused and push through it.

Off-Bike Exercise

Another way to lose belly fat is to exercise off the bike. You should always incorporate new techniques into your routine to reduce belly fat and target other areas of your body.

What you do when you’re not cycling is vital for building your endurance and strength. The more you exercise, the fitter you’ll become. The more physically fit you are, the more cycling you can do. The more you cycle, the more fat you can burn off your stomach.

Instead of merely doing sit-ups and stomach crunches, we recommend doing some aerobic muscle workouts. The “lying down bicycle” exercise is a popular off-bike technique that can be beneficial while cycling. Other workouts include planks, Pilates, yoga, Zumba, and others. All of these exercises are beneficial to bikers and help to strengthen your core.

Commuting To Work

Short bike rides, such as everyday commutes to work, can burn calories over time. Traveling to work on a daily basis will help you stay in shape by improving your BMI, even if it doesn’t make a big difference. You’ll be able to lose a lot of hidden body fat by lowering your BMI.

Related: Best Commuter Bikes | Top Bicycles for Commuting

Eating Healthy

Any workout plan, including cycling, will fail to give the optimum results if you don’t eat healthily. Cheese, sugary sweets, butter, and other foods high in saturated fat should be avoided.

Also, anything branded “reduced-fat” should be avoided. The bulk of these includes a lot of sugar and, as a result, a lot of calories. Make sure to check the ingredients before consuming anything like this. Alcoholic beverages and salty foods should also be avoided.

Incorporate extra lean protein-rich meals into your diet instead. Foods like eggs, leafy greens, lean steak and chicken, beans, potatoes, and salmon can all help you lose stomach weight.

Obtain Enough Rest

Weight loss necessitates cycling. It’s just as vital to get enough rest and sleep after cycling. Many studies have shown that not getting enough sleep increases your chances of gaining weight.

Make sure you get some rest after a long day of cycling and calorie-burning.

A Few More Cycling Pointers To Remember

Let’s have a look at a few more pointers to keep in your mind to get the best out of biking.

Obtain The Correct Bike Fit

You will have a better and more efficient ride if you ride a bike that fits properly. It will assist you to avoid becoming tired or sore. It will also assist you in improving your posture.

It’s Never A Good Idea To Use Headphones When Riding

This doesn’t need much explanation because we’re all aware of the potential danger. We don’t recommend riding headphones when cycling, regardless of whether you’re on a busy road or not. Keep a close eye on what’s going on around you.

Make Sure You’re Wearing A Helmet

This, too, needs no additional explanation. This is the most crucial step in keeping yourself safe while cycling. Always wear a nice helmet when riding a bike. There are numerous options; our top-rated bike helmet recommendations can be found in our buyer’s guide.

Shift Your Position While Cycling

Cycling in the same position for an extended period of time will cause your arms and body to ache. When we say “alter your riding position,” we don’t suggest that you should change your entire seated posture. You can simply change your hold on the handlebars or move your hands around. Alternatively, you can try to do HIIT while cycling by standing up every few minutes and pedaling.


How Long Should I Cycle To Lose Belly Weight?

This is a challenging question to respond to. If you follow the concepts and tactics outlined above, cycling for 6-10 kilometers each day will help you reduce belly fat quickly.

One hour of easy pedaling won’t make much of a difference if you’re just cycling for fun and going slowly.

What Is The Best Weight-Loss Bicycle?

There isn’t such a thing as a fat-burning bicycle. It’s completely up to you and how you ride it. A comfort/cruiser bike, road bike, mountain bike, or hybrid bike, on the other hand, maybe more handy and comfortable.

How Can We Ride Our Bikes Without Endangering Our Lives?

Always remember to wear your helmet whether you’re going for a short 30-minute bike ride or a longer two-hour ride because it’s the greatest way to be safe. If you’re going to be out for an extended period of time, bring plenty of water and food. Also, protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing enough sunscreen.

Optional features include side mirrors, bells or horns, front lights, and bike wheel lights or reflectors.


Is cycling good for weight loss? Hopefully, you would have gotten the answer to the question.

Cycling is a simple way to lose stomach fat. You must maintain consistency, adhere to the advice in this essay, and attempt to ride safely. Losing weight takes time, but with the right effort, it may be done quickly. However, you must always take a break from activity when you feel your body wants to unwind.

Also, avoid comparing your weight-loss efforts to others’. Every human body works in a different way. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Keep yourself motivated toward your goal every day.

It isn’t a one-day success formula. If you’re consistent and determined, you’ll be able to reach your weight loss goal gradually.

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